Tuesday 14 September 2010

Orange Amplification : Ranges

TH30 Series

The TH30 Combo offers the perfect balance between power and portability and is ideal for regular gigging . It's small and light enough to be portable while also offering a phenomenal tonal range for use in the studio environment.


CLEAN CHANNEL - Volume, Bass, Treble

DIRTY CHANNEL - Volume, Shape, Gain

- FX Loop Twin Channels
- Output
- Class A Switchable between 7, 15 and 30-watts 

- Preamp 4 x ECC83's, 1X ECC81, Output - 4x EL84's

- 1 x 16ohms 2 x 8ohms


(W x H X D) 55 x 52 x 28cm

- 24kg

TH30 Head

When you plug into the clean channel on the TH30 you will be presented with one of the most evenly voiced, glistening clean tones you have ever heard. Harmonics will jump out of your guitar that you did not know were in there and when switched to the dirty channel be prepared for a host of tone to appear and an amount of gain never before heard on an Orange that will inspire your music making beyond anything you have ever imagined.

The Clean Channel features a Gain, SHape and Master Volume. THe shape control is an EQ control facilitating a variety of tones from classic rock through to scooped metal with all variations in between.

The power section of the TH30 is powered by a quartet of EL84 output valves and is rated at 30 Watts Class A. There is also the addition of a valve driven effects loop the TH30 is more than an amplifier it is the "sound in your head"

Rocker Series

Rocker 30W Head

All valve, 30 watt, Class A operation channel switching head. This amplifier combines a single stage clean channel with a three stage pre-amp lead channel. The natural channel has just one control (natural volume) that takes you through many shades of perfectly balanced, bell like clean tones, until you hit the very musical harmonic overdrive of the output valves. The dirty channel takes you all the way from a super clean chime, through many colours of vintage overdrive. Tones that bite like a shark, all the way through to a very fat, harmonically intense, full-on distortion that has to be played to be believed!

Natural Channel: Volume
Dirty Channel: Gain / Low / Middle / High / Volume

- 30w (RMS)

- Preamp - 3 x ECC83, Output 2 x EL34

- 1 x 16ohms, 2 x 8ohms

- (W x H x D) 55 x 25.5 x 24cm

- 15kg

Review of Rocker Series

"The sound of the summer has a citris flavour with a kick, as we bite into two new Oranges that rock

Anyone who attends one of this year’s Summer festivals, and remains sober enough to be in full possesion of their faculties, is likely to notice a copious amount of Orange gear amid the backlines of the rich and famous – and with good reason.
Whether it’s the classic British tonality of the popular AD series, or Custom shop uber-heads such as the Retro 50, Oranges amplifiers have confirmed devotees amongst the highest echelons of rock’s elite. Back in issue 253 we got our hands on the first amplifiers in the new Rockerverb series – a brand new breed of twin channel beast designed to compete with the big-league heavy rock heads in the scorching distortion stakes while retaining tonal characteristics that are unmistakably Orange. Yet while the powerful Rockerverb 50 and 100 were impressive, many players will be interested in the real world benefits of a pair of more manageable 30-watt additions to the range.

The ‘verb-less Rocker 30 is a stripped down 30-watt amplifier, powered by a pair of EL34 power valves running in a Class A, and available in head and 1 X 12 configurations. OMEC tells us that the Electro-Harmonix 6CA7 will soon replace the stock EL34 as their power valve of choice because their designers believe them to be the finest EL34 variants on the market.

While you might reasonably expect a pair of these valves to generate 50-60 watts in class AB, as they are operating in Class A, this is limited to around 30. The Rocker 30s feature the same transformers as those used in the AD30TC twin channel headand combo, although most similarities between the models end here. One fairly fundamental difference is the presence of solid-state, rather than valve, rectification which should contribute to a noticeably less compressed and “spongy” attack.
Players have been crying out for a 30-watt 1 X 12 Orange for a long time now, with many seeing it as the perfect power/portability compromise for regular gigging. Orange’s other 30-watt combos are 2 X 12s, and while they sound fantastic, we’ve learnt the hard way that your back won’t thank you for carrying one up a narrow staircase on the “toilet” circuit. The combo has been designed to supersede the now discontinued AD15 which offered just one channel and around 15 watts from a pair of El84s, so this is a fairly big step up in specification terms.

The Rocker 30’s Natural channel us controlled by just one volume pot and features a single-stage preamp incapable of preamp distortion, so any break up on this channel is pure power amp drive. The Dirty channel, meanwhile, is a scaled-down version of the lead channel on the bigger Rockerverb amplifiers. Featuring three gain stages rather than four, it should allow for an expanded low-gain vocabulary from a channel that gets very dirty indeed. While the Natural channel is about as straightforward as valve amplification gets, the Dirty channel benefits from the relative luxuy of individual channel volume and gain controls, along with three-band EQ.

Cosmetically, both the Rocker 30 combo and head are standard Orange fare – although in common with the bigger Rockerverb Models, new three-way toggle power switches include a middle standby setting to save space on the front panels. This leaves room for more ornamental features such as quirky graphical representations of each control on the panel. This contribute to the unmistakable funk vibe and hark back to the days of fists and mountains denoting function.

Externally, the head is identically proportioned to the AD-series models and 40mm shallower than the Rockerverb heads. On the inside, both head and combos share the same chassis innards and high-quality printed circuit boards. In common with the other Orange combos in current production, the Rocker 30’s control panel is situated vintage-style in a recess at the rear top edge of the cabinet, so the chassis has to be mounted in such a way that the power valves sit horizontally – rather than vertically as they do in the head. This means that in order to perform a valve change, in the case of the combo, the whole chassis has to be unscrewed and lifted out from the cabinet. With the head, things are a little simpler as the procedure only involves removal of the protective metal grille around the back in order to gain access to the valves. There is one feature common to both that makes maintenance less of a headache: due to the nature of the Class A circuit, both head and combo are self biasing.
Along with the Rocker 30 head and combo, you may have noticed amongst the visual feast on these pages the new Orange1 X 12 extension cabinet, the PPC112. Designed with the same footprint as the combo, with the intention of giving more onstage oomph, it also makes for a cute mini-stack when partnered with the head. Like all new Orange cabinets, it features rugged 18mm birch ply close-back construction – thankfully with no MDF in the equation. As always, we are reminded that this is a company that really knows how to build a speaker cabinet properly. The single 12-inch speaker inside is, as expected, a Celestion Vintage 30, and something about the mid-ranger character of these high quality drivers seems to fit the current wave of Orange amplifiers perfectly.. Anyone who has the experience of gigging and recording with an Orange AD-series 30-watter will know that not only can this company produce amps that sound magical live and on tape – they also have the right amount of power for most applications. So we fired up the Rocker 30s with high expectations…

The beauty of a 30-watt power stage is that you can really rev the amp up and get those power valves cooking without being completely deafened, but there should be enough in reserve to preserve a useable clean tone at stage volumes. Beginning with the exceptionally well-balanced Natural channel, one of the most striking characteristics of the Rocker 30 in both head and combo configurations is the way in which the simplicity of the circuit preserves the identity of your instrument. Rather than imprinting its characteristics on your sound in a stifling manner, the Natural channel works as an instrument in its own right – responding to and enhancing the voice of both guitar and player.

The single stage preamp translates into an abdundance of clean headroom, and we found that once the natural volume was wound up anywhere 11 o’ clock and beyond, we were rewarded with a lush, three-dimensional sparkling clean tone at stage volume with a hint of an edge - oozing with the fruity mid-range warmth that characterizes the classic Orange sound. The onset of actual drive will be pickup dependent, but if you can’t dial the in the require amount of break-up at the volume level that you want, it’s simple enough to solve this with judicious use of the guitar’s volume control or an additional stompbox boost such as an MXR Microamp. Compared to the EL84-driven AD series amplifiers, the clean channel doesn’t possess quite as much glassy chime and detail, but even through the combo’s single Vintage 30 speaker, the Rocker 30’s El34s ensure a firmer, more focused bass response. And if this isn’t quite enough for you, the closed-back PPC112 extension cabinet increases the scale and projection considerably.
Flip to the Dirty channel and there’s clearly a lot more flexibility available. Cranking up the gain, we move from chiming sixties pop, through Stonesy R&B raunch, heading into bluesy classic rock grind and aggressive alternative territory, until the final quarter of the gain control’s range, when the Rocker 30 grows devil horns. At all levels there is a consistent musicality. Rather than losing definition or becoming a fizzy mush, the Rocker 30 roars with an organic and dynamic high gain voice that is world class, particularly in combination with a PAF-style bride humbucker.

The tonal range on this amplifier is phenomenal, particularly in a studio environment. For recording the Rocker 30 can cope as convincingly with country as it does with bone-crushing riffs, and the combo in particular records superbly, with the open back cabinet contributing much better bass response than one might expect – even when close-mic’d with just a single Shure SM57. Plugging the Rocker 30 head into the PPC112 we encountered very similar high-quality sonic performance, although the PPC112’s closed back cab translates into an even tighter bottom end at higher gain settings, and a laser-like directionality in contrast to the combo’s more even sound dispersal.

The Rocker 30 combo could be nigh on perfect for players who gig and record regularly but need a compact, powerful set-up that can travel comfortably on a car seat. AS the combo also features multiple speaker outputs, the sound can be reinforced on big stages with the PPC112 or any cabinet that suits your tastes. However if cabinet swapping is one of the ways in which you sculpt your tone then the Rocker 30 head is probably the most practical option. It’s also no slouch when driving a 4X12 – the sound is simply huge.

Inevitably some players will desire more control over their clean sounds that is afforded by either the head or combo, but don’t know a simple circuit like this until you have experienced just how dynamic is can be at first hand. Far from merely covering a great deal of territory with efficiency, the Rocker 30s excel across the whole tonal range of both channels. Perhaps if you only need two great sounds, and don’t require quite the levels of high gain that the Rockers can muster in the last quarter of the Dirty channel’s drive control, prospective Orange converts might find that the most suitable 30-watter is the AD30TC. That said, this is a cheaper more versatile, and in case of the combo, a much more compact amp that we’d feel bringing along to any gif or session."

- Chris Vinnicombe, Guitarist Magazine.

Rocker 30W Combo

All valve, 30 watt, Class A operation channel switching combo. This unit incorporates the Rocker 30 head in a high-quality cabinet constructed using 13 ply high density 18mm birch plywood. Loaded with a heavy duty 12" Celestion Vintage 30 loud speaker. The great qualities of the Rocker 30 head are combined with the convenience of its own acoustically-tuned speaker enclosure.


Natural Channel: Volume
Dirty Channel: Gain / Low / Middle / High / Volume

- 30w (RMS)

- Preamp - 3 x ECC83, Output 2 x EL34

- 1 x 12

- (W x H x D) 52 x 45 x 30cm

- 24kg

Rockerverb MKII Series

Rockerverb 50C MK II 1x12 Combo

All Valve MKII Rockerverb, channel switching amplifier with ultra transparent effects loop and valve driven reverb. This amplifier utilises a two stage clean channel witha four stage dirty channel. This model offers switchable output valve's. This means you can swap the factory fitted EL34 output valves to 6L6's, KT88's or 6550's at the flick of a switch.

CLEAN CHANNEL: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble

DIRTY CHANNEL: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume

REVERB CONTROL: For both channels (Foot Switchable)

- Reverb
- FX Loop
- Output Damping (Hi Lo)
- Failure Fuse

- 50 Watts (RMS)

- Preamp = 4 x ECC83, Output = EL34, Reverb & FX Loop = 2 x ECC81

- 1 x 16 ohms, 2 x 8 ohms

- (W x H x D) 55 x 24 x 28cm

Rockerverb 50C MK II 2x12 Combo

All Valve, channel switching amplifier with ultra transparent effects loop and valve driven reverb. This amplifier utilises a two stage clean channel witha four stage dirty channel. This model offers switchable output valve's. This means you can swap the factory fitted EL34 output valves to 6L6's, KT88's or 6550's at the flick of a switch.

CLEAN CHANNEL: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble

DIRTY CHANNEL: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume

REVERB CONTROL: For both channels (Foot Switchable)

- Reverb
- FX Loop
- Output Damping (Hi Lo)
- Failure Fuse

- 50 Watts (RMS)

- Preamp = 4 x ECC83, Output = EL34, Reverb & FX Loop = 2 x ECC81

- 1 x 16 ohms, 2 x 8 ohms

- (W x H x D) 50 x 24 x 28cm

Rockerverb 50 & Rockerverb 100 MK II Head

The Rockerverb MK II builds on the classic proven Rockerverb formula and improves the specification and range available. 

The all valve, twin-channel Rockerverb Mk II is available as a 50 or 100 watt head and both models offer switchable output valves, which means you can swap the factory-fitted EL34 output valves to 6L6's, KT88's or 6550's at the flick of a switch.

The clean channel delivers a super rich clean tone with beautiful harmonic overtones, additionally,it is a non master channel, much like vintage Orange amps, so when the amp is cranked the power section will break up and deliver delicious classic British crunchy Rock/Blues tones.

The dirty channel on the Rockerverb is to say the least 'Dirty'.... but it is by no means a one trick pony. Going from full gain and winding back shows a variety of classic Orange tones, whether you're looking for metal, fusion, blues, rock r even country the Rockerverb does not fall short.

CLEAN CHANNEL - Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble
DIRTY CHANNEL - Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble
REVERB - Footswitchable for both channels

- Reverb
- FX Loop
- Output Valve Select
- Failure Fuse

- Class A/B 50 / 100 watts (RMS)

- Preamp - 4 x ECC83. Output - 4 x EL34 (RK100H) 3 x EL34 (RK50H)

- 1 x 16 ohms, 2 x 8 ohms

- (W x H x D) - 55 x 24 x 28cm

- (kg) 23 (RK100H) 20 (RK50H)

Thunderverb Guitar Heads:

Thunderverb 50w Head

Twin channel Class A/B amplifier. All valve, 50 watt RMS, channel switching head with foot switchable attenuator, valve FX loop and valve driven reverb. This amplifier sports two clean / crunch / lead channels which each have three stages of gain. Channel A has the same three band EQ as the lead channel used on the Rockerverb series. Channel B has a new shape control that scoops the mids and increases the bass and treble when turned up.

This head also has a footswitchable attenuator for those really loud lead breaks. If you like the sound of the Thunderverb 200, but prefer the sound of a smaller cranked 50 watt power amp, then this is more for you.

Channel A:
Gain, Shape, Volume.

Channel B:
Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume.

Attenuator Control:
Footswitchable for both channels.

Reverb control:
Foot switcahble for both channels.

- Attenuator
- Output
- 50 Watts RMS, 16 ohms

- 2 X EL34, 4 x ECC83/12AX7 2 x ECC81/12AT7

- 1 x 16ohm, 2 x 8ohm

- (W x H x D) 55 x 25.5 x 28cm

- 25kgs

Thunderverb 200w Head

Twin channel Class A/B amplifier. All valve, 200 watt RMS, channel switching head with footswitchable attenuator, valve FX loop and valve driven reverb. This amplifier sports two clean / crunch / lead channels which each have three stages of gain. Channel A has the same three band EQ as the lead channel used on the Rockerverb series. Channel B has a new shape control that scoops the mids and increases the bass and treble when turned up.

This head also has a footswitchable attenuator for those really loud lead breaks. Nothing can match the bone crushing, bottom-end punch of this big stage tone machine. Even when used quietly you know you are commanding serious power. A full three-inch 'Dual Snake 8' transformer ensures that the bottom end is kept fast and tight and the upper mids and top end are kept sweet and musical at any volume. The Extended Tonal Range enables this revolutionary amplifier also to be used as a bass head.

Channel A:
Gain, Shape, Volume.

Channel B:
Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume.

Attenuator Control:
Footswitchable for both channels.

Reverb control:
- Foot switcahble for both channels.

- Attenuator
- Reverb
- 100 watt switch (on rear)

- 200w (RMS)

- Preamp - 4 x ECC83, Output 4 x 6550 / KT88, Reverb & FX Loop: 2 x ECC81

- 2 x 4 ohms, 2 x 8 ohms (200w) or 2 x 8 ohms, 2 x 16 ohms, 2 x 16 ohms (100w)

- (W x H x D) 55 x 25.5 x 28cm

- 30kg

AD Series


5 Watt Single Ended, 1x10" Combo.
This classic was originally available in the early 2000s and only produced in very limited numbers. Since then it has become a real collectors piece, even being listed in Aspen Pittman's 'Groove Tubes' book.
It has a classic vintage amp character, and at at such a low power is ideal to record with, or simply get those great live cranked sounds in your bedroom without annoying your neighbours (too much)

- Volume and Tone

- All Plywood Construction

- 5 Watts RMS, Celestions G10N-40 speaker

- 1 x EL84, 1 x ECC83/12AX7

- 16ohm

AD30HTC Head

All valve, 30 watt, channel switching head. This amplifier sports two dual stage channels with completely separate signal paths. The result is two vintage amps in one. Channel One has a thick, creamy, classic voice that barks like a rottweiler when pushed in to the tone zone. Channel Two has a tighter, springy and slightly faster character with a little more upper mids and a bit more gain. This amp has proved to be so popular worldwide that its specification remains unchanged. It is fast becoming the new world standard for 30 watt Class A valve amplifiers.

Channel 1:
Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble

Channel 2:
Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble

Channel 1 / Channel 2 - Clean thru Distortion

- 30 watts - Class A


- Preamp - 4 X 12AX7, Output 4 X EL84, Rectifier - 1 X GZ34

- 2 X 12

(W x H x D) 55 x 25.5 x 24cm

- 18kg

AD30TC Combo

All valve, 30 watt, channel switching combo. This amplifier sports two dual stage channels with completely separate signal paths. The result is two vintage amps in one. Channel One has a thick, creamy, classic voice that barks like a rottweiler when pushed in to the tone zone. Channel Two has a tighter, springy and slightly faster character with a little more upper mids and a bit more gain. The AD30TC combo has consistently stood above the competition, as confirmed by professional users and reviewers alike. It retains the original vintage sound and utilises a smooth electron emissions GZ34 valve rectifier, similar to the first original valve amplifiers ever made, and operates in Class A. This makes the AD30TC a true force to be reckoned with when played alongside any 'vintage' classic and high price tag, boutique amplifier. This amp has proved to be so popular worldwide that its specification remains unchanged. It is fast becoming the new world standard for 30 watt Class A valve amplifiers.

The combo version of the AD30TC is identical in specification to the head but has two Celestion Vintage 30s in an open-back acoustically designed enclosure, made from 13 ply high density 18mm birch plywood to further enhance the sound.

- Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Master on each channel.

- Twin channel (with silent switching)

- Class A 30W (RMS)

- Preamp - 4 x ECC83 double triode, Output - 4 x EL84 pentode, Rectifier - G234 / 5AR4

- 1 x 16ohms, 2 x 8ohms

- (W x H x D) 66 x 54 x 30cm

- 38.1kg

Bands that use this : Say Anything

Tiny Terror Series


All valve, twin channel 30 watt portable guitar head. Featuring a unique two stage preamp which has a massive tonal range using just three controls per channel. The Dual Terror switches from 30 to 15 to 7 watts making it the ultimate versatile portable amplifier both for studio and stage. The Fat Channel delivers warmer tones whilst the Tiny Terror Channel has the sonic character of the original Tiny Terror.

Note: The Dual Terror does not require rebiasing when replacing power tubes

- Independent Volume, Tone and Gain for each channel.

- Power Switch
- Output valve switch. 
- 1.5mm Zintec Chassis with steel vented top case
- Padded Gig Bag,

- 30, 15, 7 watts

- Preamp: 4 x ECC83. Output: 4 x EL84

Tiny Terror Head

All valve, 15 watt portable guitar head. Featuring a unique two stage pre-amp which has a massive tonal range using just three controls. When driven, this little amp has almost as much gain as most four stage lead channels! The Tiny Terror puts a lot of high-priced, boutique amps to shame with its clean crunch to full on overdrive sounds. At mid gain settings this valve head has masses of vintage British character; the Tiny Terror has been built to the same rugged specification as the bigger Orange amps and its portability makes it perfect for gigging around town or rehearsing. The Tiny Terror switches from 15 to 7 watts for studio use and recording. This professional little amplifier is a record producer's dream and comes complete with a padded travel gig bag.

- Gain / Tone / Volume

- 1.5 mm Zintec Chassis w/ Steel Vented Top Case. Padded Gig Bag Included

- 15 Watts 'Class A' / 7 Watts 'Class A'

- Preamp - 2 x 12AX7, Output 2 x EL84

Tiny Terror Combo

The already legendary Tiny Terror, and now in combo form.... all the features of the original head, all valve, 15 watt, switchable down to 7, our unique two stage pre-amp which uses just three controls. All in a high quality 18mm plywood cabinet and fitted with a fantastic Celestion G12H-30 70th Anniversary speaker.

- Gain, Tone and Volume

- 3 Stage Gain, Celestion G12H-30

- 15 Watt RMS

- 2 x EL84, 2 X ECC83/12AX7

- 1 x 16 ohm, 2 x 8ohm

- 17kgs (TBC)

Tiny Terror Hard Wired Edition

A UK manufactured, point to point, all hand wired Tiny Terror which offers a step up on the already legendary Tiny Terror. A wider frequency response gives this amp more bite and punch

Comes in a special padded leather gig bag.

- Volume, Tone, Gain

- 'Carbon Comp' resistors & 'Mustard Capacitors'

- 15 watts switchable to 7 watts

Bass Systems

SP212 Isobaric 2x12" Bass Speaker Cabinet

Compact Smart Power design using ultra-light but powerful Neo-Dineum speakers.

Impedance: 8 ohms

- 600 watts RMS

OBC810 8x10" Bass Cabinet

The return of the legendary Orange 8x10" bass cabinet originally made in very small numbers during the 1970s.

13-ply high-density 18mm birch plywood with two heavy duty castors.

Cab Impedance: 4 ohms

SP410 - Isobaric 4x10" Bass Speaker Cabinet

Ultra compact yet extremely powerful.

Isobaric design using four ultra-lightweight Neo-Dineum 300 watt 10" loudspeakers.

Impedance 8 ohms

- 4 separated speaker compartments
- Output
- 1200 watts RMS

OBC 410 Speaker Cab

This superb bass enclosure is made from 13 ply high density 18mm birch plywood, with tough skids on the base of the cabinet for enhanced stage protection. Acoustically compartmented internally for strength and anti-vibration. Thanks to its technical design and high quality construction this enclosure is superior to any competition.

- Speakon and standard 1/4 jack

- 600w handling RMS 8 ohms

- Heavy duty 4 x 10

- (W x H x D) 62 x 64 x 46cm

- 43kg

Terror Bass 500 & 1000

Maintaining the size of the original Tiny Terror, the Terror Bass is a 500 or 1000 watt hybrid amplifier with a Class D solid state power section and the AD200B twin-valve 12AX7 preamp.

Note: The Bass Terror does not require rebiasing when replacing tubes.

- Volume
- Bass
- Middle 
- Treble
- Gain 
- Active/Passive Switch.

- Switchable Impedance 4 or 8 ohms

- 500 watts RMS or 1000 watts RMS

- (WxHxD) 30 x 17 x 14 cm

- 5 kg

SP210 - Isobaric 2x10" Bass Speaker Cabinet

Compact but extremely powerful.

Isobaric cabinet design using two ultra-lightweight Neo-Dineum 300 watt loudspeakers.

Impedance: 8 ohms

- 2 Separated Loudspeaker Compartments

- 600 watts

OBC 115 Speaker Cab

This superb 15" speaker enclosure is made from 13 play high density 18mm birch plywood, with tough skids on the base for enhanced stage connection. This hi-tech designed enclosure is side ported and provides for speaker 'self correction'. Internally strutted to avoid cabinet vibration, this enclosure will not rattle, sounds amazing and will extend the bottom-end sound of the OBC410 enclosure.

- Side ported

- 400w (RMS) handling, 8 ohm

- Heavy duty 15

- (W x H x D) 62 x 51 x 46cm

- 30kg

AD-200B / Mk3\

The new AD-200B is one of the purest bass amplifiers ever produced. No bells and whistles, just the shortest signal path which gives the best results. This amplifier has become the bass player's favourite, is outstanding and without competition, producing the purest sounds throughout the bass spectrum.

- Gain
- Bass
- Middle
- Treble
- Master

- Dual output (passive archive)
- Slave out
- Failure fuse

- 200w (RMS)

- Preamp - 2 X ECC83, 1 x ECC81 / 12AT7, Output 4 X 6550 / KT88

- 1 x 8 ohms, 2 x 4 ohms

- (W x H x D) 55 x 24 x 28cm

- 25kg

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